Methodology, tools and contents of program box of kindergarten program

Do you know that one third of kindergarteners of Budapest suffer from passive smoking?*

Smoking prevention program in kindergartens is developed based on this fact, which can effectively modify current and future health behaviour of children by the unique methods and tools of intervention, enhance their resistance against negative effects with a motivation for smoking and reduce their exposure of passive smoking. Methodology aims elaboration of topics such as perception, personality, healthy lifestyle and smoking. Parts of a tale (Four life of Csiszta squirrel) and a few exercises support the elaboration of them. Exercises include activities connecting with smoking. Elaboration of program needs the cooperation of kindergarteners, kindergarten teachers and parents.
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Sound-collecting Peter

Code: DvED002

"I think that tobacco control has to be part culture and education even at kindergarten level. We have to work with very young children. One of the most effective ways for peopleto be persuaded about something it is through their children."
/ Dr Lee Jong-wook, Director-General, WHO/

WHO has underlined the importance of smoking prevention in early ages in the Article 12 of Framework Convention on Tobacco Control**
We shall be happy to answer any of your questions regarding the kindergarten program
* Dr. Erzsebet Vegh: Passive smoking of kindergarteners in Budapest 2009. Regional Public Health and Medical Officer Service of Middle Hungary (Presentation). XVII. Primary Prevention Forum
** Guidelines for the implementation of Article 12 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, 2010